About me

🎓 I’m a passionate PhD scholar at the Department of Crop Physiology, UAS Bangalore, India, with a focus on unlocking the molecular mechanism of mulberry bud break. My research journey has been a thrilling exploration of plant physiology and its intricate mechanisms.

🌱 Beyond the laboratory, I thrive on my love for botany, but my interests don’t stop there! I’m also a dedicated football enthusiast and an avid PC gamer. When I’m not exploring the world of plants, you can find me immersed in virtual worlds or on the football field.

🍳 In my moments of relaxation, I channel my creativity into the kitchen. Cooking is not just a hobby; it’s a delightful art that allows me to experiment with flavors and create mouthwatering dishes.

🌟 I’m on the brink of graduation and actively seeking opportunities in the industry.

A brief bio about me

**Welcome to the world of plant biology! I’m a passionate and highly skilled plant biologist with a profound focus on molecular biology and physiology. My research expertise spans across various facets, including crop physiology, stress biology, production physiology, and plant growth and development. I’m adept at employing advanced techniques such as transcriptome analysis, qRT-PCR, functional gene validation with VIGS, and LC-MS/MS analysis. What sets me apart is my proficiency in using programming languages like Python and R to extract valuable insights from extensive biological datasets. As I embark on new adventures, I’m enthusiastic about bringing my expertise to contribute to exciting projects in plant biology and molecular genetics!”

Get in Touch

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